Tuesday, September 7, 2010

assignment for BEL .

The title of the book is The Last Song written by Nicholas Sparks . The main character in this novel is Ronnie .
Through this novel i can conclude that i do have certain characteristic which match with Ronnie . In this novel Ronnie can be seen as someone who trust strangers more than herself like i do . I do trust strangers more than i trust myself . As in the novel , Ronnie trust Ashley more than she trust what she saw with her own eyes . Ronnie is in relationship with Will which Will is a some kind of guy who always did the exact thing with other woman before her . At first she refused to trust Ashley but after a few minutes she started to feel that Will is cheating on her . So she left Will without any notice at the beach . She left him right away without any explanation from Will .
As for me , i trust my friends more than i trust myself . I always trust other people better doesn't matter whether it is about studies , general knowledge or anything . I will become the first person to agree with anything even though it is something that I'm not sure .